Windfall: Configure Inventory Prompts




Inventory Prompts are defined for each customer. They can be configured to capture additional information when viewing the inventory grid or scanning the inventory in using Windfall Mobile Pro. This article will go over the steps needed to create and edit prompts for commercial customers.

Inventory Prompts

The ‘Inventory Prompt’ tab can be reached by opening the customer, then clicking on the ‘Configuration’ tab. Once there, you can see the inventory prompts displayed under the corresponding tab. The three columns on the far right will control where the prompts will show how the prompt is configured.

Configuration Options

  • Inv. Display: This prompt will show up on the inventory grid

  • Windfall Mobile: This will show up on the device to add information as items are scanned in

  • Remember Value: Remembers the last value inputted into Windfall Mobile Pro.

    • Example: If you type “1234” into the 'Receiving Report Number' field, the app will remember that data from scan to scan until it is changed.

Custom Inventory Prompts

When creating your own inventory prompts, you will need to hit the ‘Add Prompt’ option at the top of the page. You will then need to select the ‘Prompt Type’.

Some prompts come standard to Windfall and cannot be changed, but all custom prompts can be updated. If a prompt can be edited, you can click on the specific cell in the grid to change the information within.

Prompt Types

  • Yes/No - Windfall Mobile will give you the option to select Yes or No when entering data for that prompt

  • Date - Windfall Mobile will give you a date prompt field to enter for that prompt

  • Whole Number - Windfall Mobile will show a prompt field to enter a number

  • Decimal - Windfall Mobile will allow the user to enter a number with a decimal field

  • Text - Windfall Mobile will allow the user to enter any text data


The ‘Length’ column is was determines the character limit for the prompt.

  • If the field is set to 50.00 this means you can enter 50 characters into that given field.

  • Whole Number and Decimal fields can be 15 digits at most.

  • Text Fields can be 8000 characters at most.

  • For Decimal lengths, the numbers before and after the decimal represent those lengths respectively. For example, a decimal length of 3.5 will allow values up to 999.99999.


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